Popup survey

Posté le 02/11/2022 par Sylvie Vrebos

Article picture


Retail, e-commerce

Project description

Display a popup containing image, text and/or survey in order to attract online customers concerning a promotion or to ask their preference or opinion about a service.

Technical specifications

The project is divided in 2 parts :

A back office in order to allow the marketing department to :

  • insert/edit a popup
  • Put in archive
  • Duplicate a popup
  • Create new custom category
  • Assign customers to a custom category


A frontend :

  • to display the content popup according to customer criterias, language website,…
  • to save data about visits and answers (if a survey is existing)


Back office

Information architecture back office popup e-commerce

Uses cases diagram

Use case : Create/edit a popup


Main informations (1)

Technical name : text

Start date : date picker format yyyymm-dd

End date : date picker format yyyymm-dd

Frequency : select

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Max view : number between 1 and 10
  • Categories : multi select
    1. New customer
    2. Vip customer
    3. Etc,…
List of contents by popup (2)

Columns to display :




Button label


  • Edit
  • Deactivate/activate (soft delete)
Form content (3)

In a popup, there’s an opportunity to save contents in several languages.

The form has to contain the following fields :

Language : select

  • English
  • French
  • Dutch

Description : text

Media : file upload (image or video)

Button label : text

Button url : text

Survey question : text

Answer : text + buttons to add or remove answers

Database model

Database model popup survey e-commerce


Activity diagram front-end


Fetch api

Display a popup content according to these criterias :

  • Customer category
  • Current language on the website
  • Availability (start date and end date)
  • Popup status (active)

Visit customer api

Save data about the customer visit in the table customers_visits when he clicks on the close icon.

If a survey is existing for the popup, save the answer in the table customers_answers